
How to Install Oracle VM VirtualBox on Mac

[right-side] In this tutorial, I will show you, how to install Oracle VM VirtualBox on Mac. For this demonstration, the version used for Oracle VM VirtualBox is 6.0.14 and for Mac is macOS Catalina. To start the installation, first you need to download the Oracle VM Virtual Box from one of the links below:

How to Add Google Adsense Code to WordPress | The Right Method!

In this tutorial, I will show you how to add Google Adsense code to the WordPress site using the right method. Yes, the right method means, just add single Google Adsense JavaScript and place the ads on the places you want. Also, the right method means to add Google Adsense JavaScript to the Footer, not in the Header. This way it will eliminate the JavaScript render-blocking warning . I am sure, that if you will use this method to add Adsense code to the WordPress site, it will not impact your website performance. Because if you put the Adsense code in the Head tag (<head></head>), it will definitely impact your WordPress site performance, which you can test using the website speed test tools such as Google PageSpeed and GTmetrix , etc. Now I already brief you about it, that what are the advantages of adding Google Adsense Main JavaScript code to the Footer in WordPress site . So let's start the tutorial. Steps to Add Google Adsense Code to WordPress Using the Ri...

In Computer, Power Light is on, But There is no Apparent System Activity

Learn how to resolve computer issue, when the power light is on, but there is no apparent system activity. Check the Power-Supply Voltages. Use a Voltmeter to Verify that Each Output from the Power Supply is Correct. Below the Table-1 Lists the Proper Voltage for Each Wire Color . If any Output is very Low or Absent (Especially the 5-V Output ), Replace the Power Supply. Use a Voltmeter and Verify that the Power Good (or PwrOK) Signal is the +5 V. If this Signal is Below 1.0 V, It Might Inhibit the CPU from Running by Forcing a Continuous Reset Condition. Because the Good Power Signal is Generated by the Power Supply, Try Replacing the Power Supply. Check to See that the CPU  is Cool, that the Heatsink/Fan Assembly is Fitted on Correctly, and that the CPU  Itself is Inserted Properly and Completely into its Socket. Check the CPU Socket-If the CPU  is Seated in a Zero Insertion Force (ZIF)  Socket, Be Sure that the Socket's Tension Lever is Clo...

In Computer There is no Power Light, But Cooling Fan Running

Learn how to resolve a computer issue, when there is no power light, but cooling fan is running. Usually means that some level of ac power is reaching the system. Use a voltmeter and Confirm that there is Adequate ac Voltage at the wall outlet. Unusually low ac Voltages (Such as During "Brownout" Conditions) can cause the Power supply to Malfunction. Verify that the Power-Supply Cables are Attached properly and securely to the Motherboard. Use a Voltmeter to Verify that Each output from the Power supply is Correct. Table-1 illustrates the Proper Voltage for Each Wire/Color. If any Output is very Low or Absent (Especially the +5 Volt Output) , Replace the Power Supply. Finally, Use a Voltmeter and Verify that the Power Good (or PwrOK) Signal is +5 V. If this Signal is Below 1.0 V, it Might Inhibit the CPU from Running by Forcing a Reset Condition. Because the Power Good  Signal is Generated by the Power Supply, Try Replacing the Power Supply. Table-1: PINOUTS o...

In Computer There is no Power Light, and You Cannot Hear any Cooling Fan

Learn how to resolve the issue when there is no power light, and you cannot hear any cooling fan noise in the computer. Chances are that there is Insufficient Power to the Computer. Use a Voltmeter and Confirm that there is Adequate ac Voltage at the Wall Outlet. Check the ac Cord next-it Might be Loose or Disconnected. See that the Power Switch is Turned on and Connected Properly. Check the Power-Supply Fuse(S). The Main Fuse Might have Opened. Replace any Failed Fuse. If You Replace the Main Fuse and the Fuse Continues to Fail, You Might have a Serious Fault in the Power supply. Try Replacing the Power Supply.

Declaring Variables in Java

This tutorial is to show you how to declare variables in Java. In Java, all variables must be declared before they can be used in the programs. The following is the syntax of variable declaration in Java. Java - Variable Declaration Syntax type identifier [ = value ][, identifier [ = value ] ...]; Here the type is the Java supported data types, or the class name, or interface name. The identifier is the name of the variable. To initialize a variable in Java, use equal sign and a value. To declare more than one variable of the same type, use a comma to separate. Example - Declaring Variables in Java In the following Java program, it is declaring multiple variables, and some of them include an initialization. public class Variables { public static void main(String args[]) { int x, y, z; // declares three intejers of x, y, and z. int a = 4, b, c = 9; // declares intejer a with value 4 and c with value 9 but b not yet initialized byte d = 2...

पेट और कमर की चर्बी कम कैसे करें

शरीर पर मोटापे के बढ़ने के मुख्य संकेत शरीर पर मोटापे के बढ़ने के मुख्य संकेत ठोड़ी नीचे व गले के ऊपर मांस बढ़ना और पेट कमर व कूल्हों की चर्बी बढ़ना होता है। मोटापा कम करने के लिए पेट व कमर को सही अनुपातिक आकार में करना पेहला कदम है। आज यहाँ आपके लिए, पेट और कमर की चर्बी कम कैसे करें इस विषय में कुछ कारगर उपाय प्रस्तुत करते है। गलत ठंग से आहार विहार याने खान पान व रहन सहन से जब शरीर पर चर्बी बढ़ती है तो पेट बाहर निकल आता है, कमर मोती हो जाती है और कूल्हे भरी हो जाते हैं। इसी अनुपात से हाथ पैर और गर्दन पर भी मोटापा आने लगता है। जबड़ो के नीचे गर्दन मोटी होना और तोंद बढ़ना मोटापे के मोटे लक्षण है। पेट और कमर की चर्बी कम करने के उपाय मोटापे से जहां शरीर भद्दा दिखाई देता है वहीं स्वास्थय से सम्बंधित कुछ व्याधियां पैदा हो जाती हैं लिहाज़ा मोटापा किसी भी सूरत में अच्छा नहीं होता। बहुत कम स्त्रियां मोटापे के शिकार होने से बच पति हैं। हर समय कुछ न कुछ खाने की शौकीन, मिठाइयां, तेल पदार्थ का अधिक सेवन करने वाली और शारीरिक परिश्रम न करने वाली स्त्रियों के शरीर पर मोटापा आ जाता है। प्रायः प्रस...